Darkest Before the Dawn

cropped-dscn0511.jpgAre you without hope? Hope is all around us. You just need to reach out and touch it. We all at times are dragged down as we proceed though life. We seem to feel utter defeat as we sit in the waiting mode and life bears down on us. But it is the darkest before the dawn breaks and in which we must push and keep walking. We must keep our hope and encouragement alive and stay inspired as we are victors in this life.

Our attitude determines if we see hope. Take off the negative dark glasses and wake up to the inspiration of your surroundings.

The other day, I was encouraged by a young man who was a college student. As I got up to leave the coffee shop and the long table we shared, he said with power, “Have a fabulous day.” I was encouraged by his hope and optimism. So, I began an conversation with him and discovered he had been depressed when he was in high school and was just recovering. He said he tries to find something positive everyday.  I, in turn, was encouraged by his inspiration to create a rap cd. He shared the song titles and the importance of each song with me. I saw it as his autobiography of depression, hopelessness and rounding out into hope and inspiration. We all need to share our “darkest before the dawn” experiences. As we share with others, we in turn find hope. Hope never fails, our expectations do. But if you don’t “go for it” and follow your passions and dreams; you will die without experiencing the absolute high…the experience of “I DID IT!”  The exhilaration, excitement and pure joy of being a conqueror and victor should NEVER be missed.

Go now and conquer the dark! Go write that book, make that speech, film your dream script. Conquer and fight as Joan of Arc; with victory in her words and faith to conquer the dark! The LIGHT will come! You can do it!

Share with me some your “darkest before the dawn” moments and your victories!

GO now and proceed in victory!

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